Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Statistics, Day 5

On Monday, we looked at where the data come from for the statistical calculations. We discussed how surveys occur and how the people are selected from a larger group to participate in the survey. Students need to be able to identify ...
  1. The population: The larger group that the survey is trying to share information about.
  2. The sample: The smaller group that actually participates in the survey.
  3. The sampling method: One of the 5 methods that we discussed in class: random, stratified random, self-selected, systematic, and convenience samples.
  4. Whether or not the sample has bias: Does the sample leave out part a group from the population? Is one group over represented or under represented within the sample?
  5. Whether or not the question has bias: Does the question project the expected or desired response of the interviewer?

Homework: Page 361: #2 - 10 even; Page 362: #2 - 10 even

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