Thursday, January 7, 2010

Quadrilaterals Day 2

After reviewing the 5 properties specific to parallelograms, we turned those properties around. If those properties are true about a quadrilateral, then the quadrilateral MUST be a parallelogram. So, if a figure of a quadrilateral shows that ...
  1. both pairs of opposite sides are parallel,
  2. both pairs of opposite sides are congruent,
  3. both pairs of opposite angles are congruent,
  4. one angle is supplementary with both of its consecutive angles,
  5. diagonals bisect each other,
  6. or, one pair of opposite sides is BOTH parallel and congruent

... then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

Again, students are expected to be able to identify which property is needed as well as to create and solve necessary equations, much like Day 1.

Homework: Page 313, #2 - 12; Page 315, #1 - 14, #19

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