Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grades ...

Today in class, after going over Monday's homework, all graded papers were passed back: Quiz #3, Quiz #4 and the EOCT Practice Test. We took a good deal of class time to go over these assessments. The EOCT Practice Test is a good indicator of how well each student understands and retains the concepts from the first 9 weeks of school. This test will not hurt a student's average. I entered these grades in parent connect in a manner that won't affect the grades, but it allows parents and students to see the grades. If a student has a quiz grade lower than this EOCT practice test grade, then it replaced one lower quiz grade.

Students received a grade print out with all of their grades. Most of these progress reports also have notes on them about the EOCT Practice Test and the quiz replacement. These papers need to be signed by the parents and returned to school.

Notice: We were going to have a test on Thursday. That test is cancelled. We will move on to the concept of factoring polynomials tomorrow. More information to come soon!

Homework: Square Root and Polynomial Review Worksheet

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