Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Recovery information

All quizzes and tests have now been returned to the students for them to keep. They already learned of their grades for these tasks when they saw the grade handouts on Monday. However, we discussed the process for RECOVERY today. Recovery is only available for failing test grades. To be eligible, students must complete 90% of the homework assignments from the material on that test. I do not limit the number of times a student may use the recovery process. However, they are limited to only earning up to a 70% from recovery.

For the test on Unit 1 Part 1, the students must have earned 35 out of 39 points on the assingments. To do recovery on this test, they need to schedule time with me either before or after school to rework the problems that they missed. Recovery must be done by next Wednesday, September 23rd.

Recovery is not available for quizzes. However, there will be other opportunities later in the semester to improve quiz grades.

There is no homework for math today!

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